
Showing posts from April, 2017

The BIG Decision: Moving OUT, Moving IN

6 years married. 5 years physically distant. 0 offspring. Our shadows... circa 2010 These three conditions have driven me crazy to make the biggest decision in my life (ever):  MOVING OUT FROM MY OLD LIFE and MOVING IN WITH MY HUSBAND INTO A NEW LIFE. If most people consider getting married as being one of the biggest decisions they have made or to make in their entire life, count me out.  I was at a nubile age when plans and ultimate decision to get hooked was lifted.  I could remember, I was almost 90% ready before agreeing to marriage.  The expectations that were crawling in my head were met and I wanted everything to get done swiftly.  The marriage preparations, the rituals and the merrymaking eventuated as smoothly and hastily as I anticipated it to be.  And from that day onwards, I became a wife. Arriving at THE decision to MOVE OUT and MOVE IN was one bold move, one gigantic leap, one courageous act. MOVE OUT, from where? I was...

Hello. Welcome to my Blog

How do I start this? The new chapter of my life and the new location I moved in at the start of the year 2017, did result to a period of ennui, which has unexpectedly brought me to a number of re-explorations of my under-utilized skills that which includes my writing propensities. Blogging has been the modern means to express one’s thoughts and the better avenue to exposing these thoughts to many.  I am a blogger since 2010 and the inception of this new blog is the 6th of my varied-platform blog sites.  Here’s a brief history of the many blogs I am currently maintaining with some hiatuses in between.        Putting into action the learning I acquired from a certain online read on sustaining effective blogs, I decided to categorize my diverse interests.   My very first blog, created seven years ago, was mainly about fashion, personal style, travel, food and also included multifarious topics that I wanted to promulgate online.   Then...